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Start Here! Life-changing Feng Shui basics, room-by-room summary [for beginners].

Feng Shui can be used as a jumping-off point for various types of Feng Shui, such as underwear Feng Shui and travel Feng Shui, but the first and most basic step is to Feng Shui your living environment! In fact, making the room where you spend your daily life a feng shui power spot is the shortest path to good luck!

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beauty & healthMoney and work luck

Why people with good posture are lucky and successful in anti-aging [Strong Feng Shui].

You find yourself hunched over at your desk every day. You are hooked on your smartphone and end up surfing the Internet for long periods of time. This is a very bad tendency. The human body is designed to be in a natural standing posture, so sitting at a desk for long periods of time, as in the case of desk work, is a very bad habit to get into.

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